26, అక్టోబర్ 2011, బుధవారం

Snake Catcher

Snake Catcher

October 27, 2011
Snake Noodling! This is what real men do !
I am the puller, but if you are interested, the position of hole-guy is open.
Python catchers in Africa
First, we wrap our arm in a skin for protection
Then we find a big hole and hole-guy crawls in.
We use modern lighting.
There it is.
Those must be eggs.
I let it take my protected arm. Sort of like noodling for fish.
Then my buddy pulls me out with snake attached.
Ain’t it a beaut?.
It’ll feed the village for a while.
So, you think your work is tough?
Awe Gee!! You have to stand in line at the grocery store for your food.
And You have to go to work

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